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Business Profile

Characteristics that may be considered in the investment decision process

Company Stage

Companies that have built cash flow and have strong growth potential.

Economic Sector

The essence of what we do is to support practical, innovative, efficient and profitable solutions. Our investments are focused on sustainable energy, the technology sector and sustainable agribusiness.

We detect difficulties, identify opportunities and offer solutions. We build integrated projects that are aimed at solving specific needs for our clients.

Through the solutions we create, our invested projects benefit from greater efficiency, better economy, reduced expenses and positive impacts on profitability. With our solutions, we build today our companies’ tomorrow.

Sustainable Energy

Clean, diverse, safe and uninterrupted energy – a great solution for companies to reduce expenses and increase profitability.

Motriz Partners is a company that invests in renewable energy projects and has the unique ability to respond to requests from all types of clients, no matter their field of work or dimension.

We invest in energy related projects, but our biggest strength is our ability to offer solutions. We operate in South America and Europe, we deal with all types of renewable energies, and are an integral part of the largest network of agents in the market. These qualities allow us to offer tariff moderation, solidity and reliability in all our partner’s energy operations.


The technology industry is extremely dynamic and diverse. In accordance with Motriz Partner’s investment criteria, we focus on technology that has aggregated value, that involves future services provision, and value creation for the final product and clients.

In this context, technological solutions should contribute with innovative adaptive systems to specific needs. What could usually take weeks or months can now be done in a few minutes and without additional complications.

Investing in technology is a fundamental element to the success of any business. In such an active and globalised world, companies have to be agile and efficient with their resources. Motriz Partners invests in technology for the development of sustainable energy.

Sustainable Agribusiness

Climate change has become a deciding factor for company’s long term prospects. The evidence for climate change is forcing investors to reevaluate the basic assumptions made about modern finances. The current socioeconomic consequences are deepening our understanding about how climate change will impact not only our tangible world, but also the global system that finances economic growth.

Motriz Partners identifies and develops solutions aimed at opportunities for increasing productivity and efficiency in the production and application of new technologies and services. We also invest in developing markets in the sustainable agribusiness sector as in, for example, the production of energy raw materials through the processing of macaúba palm.

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